Monday, July 14, 2008

Unofficial post - as in, not a fact, well actually....

I had to tell someone this, although i have absolutely no idea why. Perhaps because i am in some bizzare way proud of my grammatical deficiencies. In any case i had to tell someone so I'm telling the world. I just discovered a most shameful error in the editing of a post on my blog; something i have publicaly condemned others for doing. Please forgive me and no I'm not telling you what it/they (gasp!) was/were.


Anonymous said...

Have the errors been corrected?
Or will faithful readers of the blog be able to search and find them?

alyssa said...

oh sorry u can't i fied them. How could i leave them up!!!?? lol

alyssa said...

*you cant, because i fixed them. Since i can't type properly ...