So, I've got a blog that has a heaps of snippets of things I like and opinions and ideas of mine. Those things will probably give you a better idea of me than this little blurb. But three things will orient you as to my situation in life:
1)I'm a christian
2)I'm australian
3)I'm at Uni
I am not, as you may justly think, under the delusion that many people, in fact any people, actually visit this blog. Bearing this realisation in mind, this blog is also for me; a sort of record of mostly inconsequential things i have learnt during my life. I have no such high opinion of myself as to think people would be interested in what i ahve to say. And that is all. thank you for takign the time to read this message.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction! Who's been studying physics??? Oh yeahhh... lolz
i dnt think u hav 2 do physics 2 figure that 1.... it just makes sense. Why, theres no repulsion in physics! is it a hair raising experience?
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